The Mobile Environmental Classroom Project
Thanks to the "Mobile Environmental Classroom" project, which is financed by the South Moravian Region from the EVVO 2024 program, not only our pupils can now explore global problems firsthand. The pilot environmental lesson for us was the research of microplastics, which the 8th graders were introduced to as part of the School and Sustainability conference by students and teachers from several primary and secondary schools in Brno and outside Brno. We are now happy to launch a whole set of lessons in the Mobile Environmental Classroom methodology, together with worksheets and other materials, which can enrich the research-based practical teaching of many other schools. You can also view it at the following link:
Open Saint Nicholas at Labyrinth
After last year's improvisation, this year's fifth graders went all out for St. Nikolas preparations. We appreciate not only their beautiful costumes, which they prepared, but especially the fact that they decided to organize St.Nicholas for their younger classmates and visited the afternoon clubs of all children from 1st to 4th grade. Take a look at the photos and videos with us.
Open LABOWEEN 2024
On Thursday, October 25, our school turned into a haunted place. Both teachers and children put on costumes and the school environment took on a completely different feel. Halloween celebrations were also enriched by themed activities in the lessons and scary or cute goodies that the children brought and shared in their classes. At the request of the student parliament, we organized a Masquerade Party in the afternoon, where students from all grades could not only meet, but also appreciate the beauty and originality of their classmates' costumes. They were given space for joint activities, dancing and photography. In the spirit of Halloween, the program continued in the afternoon clubs, where thematic games and other creative activities took place. We are happy to thank the parents for their cooperation, especially in the preparation of costumes and goodies. The children really enjoyed our Laboween party and we are already looking forward to next year.
Open Christmas workshop with Mary's Meals
Dear parents, on behalf of Labyrinth, we would like to thank you not only for your baking of charity cookies for Mary's Meals, but also for the large sales of the prepared packages that you bought as part of the Christmas workshops. Special thanks to Mrs. Nečesalová for the whole organization. And now in numbers: 15 moms and their children participate in baking. About 140 packages were prepared from the full boxes of delivered goodies. 2 helpers were helping with sells (they say they'll be able to do it themselves next time) The total proceeds are a beautiful 19,869 CZK, which means that 36 children will have food in their school for the school year. We are sincerely happy about it, because it is not only about money for porridge for the most needy children, but also about the union of pupils and parents for a good cause. If you want to see how our Christmas workshops went this year, you can see in the photos bellow.
Open Opening Fire
Take a look at how we in Labyrinth started the new school year in September. Meeting of all ages, entertainment program, fire, guitar and singing! We tried to create natural ink, ecoprint, play with a rope and collected a million chestnuts. Looking forward to next year!
Open The Erasmus + Measuring Air Quality
Měření kvality ovzduší (The Erasmus+, Partnerství malého rozsahu: KA210-SCH-425359D1)
Open Empowering Students for a Sustainable Future
In September, the students of our school will be involved in another project in cooperation with Lab School Paris.
Open New informatics - what and how to evaluate
Určeno učitelům informatiky na všech stupních vzdělávání. V naší škole společně hodně přemýšlíme o tom, jak pomocí formativního přístupu podpořit učení žáků. Společně přemýšlíme o hodnocení tak, aby bylo motivační a pomáhalo žákům reflektovat jejich rozvoj. Nová informatika je velkou příležitostí nejen pro změnu obsahu výuky podle revidovaného RVP, ale i pro změnu hodnocení. V rámci DIGIakce, kterou pořádáme ve spolupráci s NPI, bychom se rádi podělili o naše zkušenosti a podpořili sdílení účastníků mezi sebou. Bonusem bude prohlídka školy, která sídlí v prostředí, ve kterém si školu možná nedokážeme úplně představit. Již půl roku obýváme open space a objevujeme nové možnosti, které toto prostředí pro výuku přináší. Setkáním Vás provedou Štěpánka Baierlová a Pavel Daněk ze ZŠ Labyrinth a Roman Podlena z GML v Brně. V rámci akce je zajištěno drobné občerstvení.
Open Mary's Meals
Workshop s Mary´s Meals Žáci 5. ročníku se ve čtvrtek zúčastnili workshopu, který si pro ně připravila paní Kristina Třešková z organizace Mary´s Meals. Workshop navazoval na výuku vlastivědy v 5 ročníku. Žáci se seznámili s diverzitou světa. Porovnali svůj život s životem dětí z rozvojových zemí a měli možnost ochutnat kaši, kterou organizace pro tyto děti zabzpečuje. Těší nás, že během workshopu nejen aktivně kladli otázky, ale sami také projevili zájem pomoci. Aktuálně plánují například sbírku školních potřeb či aktivní zapojení do štafety "Move for hope"
Open Žákovská konference - Jak se dobře cítit ve škole
Ve středu 13. března se zástupci našeho Žákovského parlamentu (1. stupeň - Jan Polčák, Sára Halíková, 2. stupeň - David Obdržálek a Matyáš Tirpák) zúčastnili žákovské konference v Ratíškovicích, jejíž tématem byl WELL-BEING. Naši žáci odprezentovali příspěvek s názvem "Jak se dobře cítit ve škole - Žákovský parlament a well-being." Děkujeme jim za reprezentaci, máme radost, že účastí na konferenci získali také cenné zkušenosti s vystupováním před větším počtem osob. Na akci je doprovázely koordinátorky Žákovského parlamentu - paní učitelky Monika Votava Mandelíčková a Julie Grombířová.
Photos Výprava za sněhem
První březnový týden nás čekal lyžařský kurz v rakouském Loferu. Byť v Brně už pomalu vítáme jaro, na vrcholcích Alp nás i tak čekal sníh. Během týdne na nás vykoukly hory zalité sluníčkem a výhledy do všech stran. Úspěšně jsme pracovali na našem lyžařském stylu a podporovali se navzájem. Ke slovu se dostalo i vrstevnické učení a naši zkušení sjezdaři posouvali schopnosti ostatních dětí. Podvečerní čas jsme věnovali budování příjemné atmosféry, vzniku nových přátelství a společnému sdílení při hraní deskovek nebo během závěrečné taneční párty. Do Brna jsme si dovezli sice bolavé nohy, ale rozhodně také spoustu energie, společných zážitků a vzpomínek. A především vědomí toho, že ač jsme byli z různých ročníků napříč Labyrinthem, dokážeme být skvělá parta.
Photos School ball 2024
V loňském roce jsme jako školní parlament poprvé organizovali ples pro děti z 1. stupně. Protože se jeho organizace povedla, řekli jsme si, že ho zorganizujeme znovu i letos. Abychom akci zpřístupnili pro co největší počet dětí a zajistili jsme prostor na tanečním parketu, rozdělili jsme ples do dvou termínů. V úterý 20. 2. mohly plesat děti z 3. až 5. třídy a ve čtvrtek 22. 2. pak mohl zase 1. a 2. ročník. Při organizaci jsme si v parlamentu rozdělili úkoly a různé role, což nám pomohlo zajistit, že jsme na nic nezapomněli. Každý si mohl vybrat, s čím by chtěl pomoct. Nabízela se např. funkce vítač, moderátor, DJ či fotograf. Nezapomněli jsme na vytvoření fotokoutku a přípravu občerstvení. Plesu se v obou termínech zúčastnilo hodně dětí, ale ne každý měl odvahu začít tančit - díky tomu rychle ubylo občerstvení. ? Do programu jsme zařadili také jednu společenskou hru, židličkovanou. Měli jsme předem sestavený playlist, ale snažili jsme se občas zahrát i písničku na přání. Velmi oceňujeme zapojení 3. ročníku, který zajistil kulturní vložku, a to divadelní představení s názvem “Bláznivá pětka na plese”. Organizace plesu se nám povedla nejen díky zapojení nás, parlamenťáků, ale taky družinářů, kteří nám pomáhali vše koordinovat a usměrňovat divočejší účastníky. Z plesu máme celkově velmi pozitivní pocit a víme, že bychom pro příště chtěli zlepšit volbu hudby pro dámskou a pánskou volenku a lépe koordinovat průběh občerstvení. Už teď se těšíme na ples v roce 2025! Matěj Brablec 4.B
Open The Erasmus+ Bridges Over Troubled Waters
Bridges Over Troubled Waters (The Erasmus+, Partnerství malého rozsahu: 2021-2-CZ01-KA210-SCH-000051068)
Open Honeywell
Our fourth-graders had the opportunity to participate in the Honeywell program for schools. During short workshops, they found out why and how planes fly, designed their planes to be functional, experienced the feelings of a pilot in the cockpit, used robots to write their names or program them to find a way out of a maze. Many thanks to our hosts for a pleasant day filled with interesting activities and we believe that we have not visited Honeywell for the last time.
Open School as gallery, gallery as school
This December, the 8th graders visited the creative environment of artists right in their studio. In the school building, a wooden object by the sculptor and restorer Ondřej Mácha has been on display since the beginning of the school year. Together with other artists, they create in studios on Dukelská, where many moved from Zbrojovka. They managed to meet Vendula Chalánková, known especially for her illustrations and collages. Petr Lysáček, who uses a wide range of media in his work (some of which he mixes together): installation, object, photography, painting, video, performance, and they also saw the work of Ester Hotová, who moves between painting, illustration and installation of prepared biological material. The object on display at the school is made of material that Ondřej recycled. These are the windows of the halls of Zbrojovka, where the artist had studios together with other artists, which collapsed. The installation also includes Verka, a sassy writer popular with children, reacting to the events in her world in a unique way. "She writes wherever she wants and lately she has also been sneaking into exhibition spaces from the street. Mách's grandfather, a hunter, found her freshly run over on the road. He took her to his friend, a taxidermist, and he made sure that Verka could delight others for a long time with his apt lyrics." ................................................... .............................. The event took place as part of the School as a Gallery, Gallery as a School project with the financial support of the statutory city of Brno. Thank you
Open Project week with the partner school Bielefeld
In November, the 7th grade students had a project week together with the students of the partner German school in Bielefeld. The topic was air quality and the effect on our health, but the main goal was to enable the pupils to get to know each other and practice their language skills - we will be visiting Bielefeld next May. Thanks to the great work of the Black Peppers student team, you too can go through the program of the individual days at a glance.
Open Year in Labyrinth 2023 - video
Christmas holidays often evoke mutuality and togetherness in us. The same can be said of the video that was shot and edited for Labyrinth by one of our students' parents, Mr. Radovan Kramář - Malhorn Production. Thank you very much for that.
On Monday, second graders experienced a workshop on HOW A BOOK IS MADE with Pavel Pražák aka Mae Sara. In the beginning, the children learned how a book is created and what forms it can take, they got to know the different professions that are related to the creation of a books, and they tried to make a leporelo. In the second part, children created their own comic stories, situations, illustrations for specific topics. Come see for yourself how they managed to do it on Monday, November 27, 2023 at 4 p.m. at the DIGI Center on the 6th floor of the White house. We cordially invite you to a meeting with the author and a guided tour of the paintings. You can find out why the author calls some of them "pillows" and you can also look forward to a musical surprise. MAE SARA loves watercolors, illustrates, animates, combines images with music. He runs a low-cost publishing house and helps various publications to the world. Now a campaign is currently running on Hithit, where you can order a leporelo with a pocket atlas of devils in a watercolor version. .............................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................... The workshops are held as part of the School as a Gallery, Gallery as a School project with the financial support of the statutory city of Brno. Thank you
The sixth graders dealt with the issue of sustainability in the first week of November. The aim was to realize how different areas of life work and how each of us can contribute to behaving responsibly towards our planet. The children gathered information not only through various workshops but also in the field (e.g. at the Young Primitive company, which sews sustainable fashion, or in packaging-free shops). In practical workshops, they tried manufacturing according to the principles of reuse/upuse/recycle. In the sewing workshop, for example, they used fabric scraps to make bags for packaging-free shops, in the carpentry workshop they made soccer goals and flower curtains from wood scraps, and in the kitchen they processed organic apples for dried apple chips or apple dessert. On Friday, the sixth graders prepared a presentation for their parents and everyone left with their personal "action plan" for sustainable behavior, i.e. in which way they will try to change their behavior in the following month in order to put less burden on the environment.
At the end of October, our school again tuned in to the Halloween note. With the support of the Democratic School Parliament and the afternoon school club, Lab-o-ween was organized thru the whole school. The costumes were really imaginative, there were activities and various goodies. Also there was an election of the best masks. Katie, Adina and Anička from the 6th grade prepared a Halloween candy store. Halloween learning was going on thru whole day. Unfortunately, the weather was not in our favor, so the afternoon light parade on the way to Petrinum could not take place, but the children still enjoyed their Halloween day.
Photos To the Eiffel Tower and beyond
The third week of October brought to our sixth graders the discovery of new landscapes, tastes, smells and, above all, new Czech-French friendships. As part of the Erasmus+: Mobility project, we explored the beauties of Paris and our partner school, Lab School Paris. A warm welcome awaited us at the school accompanied by a tasting of French cheeses and the preparation of pancakes. We did not leave the discovery of Paris to chance and visited everything that a true traveler must see. We viewed the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower, we admired Notre Dame in the evening, relaxed on a cruise on the Seine and immersed ourselves to the past with the beauty of art in the Louvre. We brought home not only a lot of experiences from Paris, but new friendships too. Not just among Parisian children, but especially among us sixth-graders, and that counts.
Photos Brno Philharmonic workshops
Last week, the our children experienced workshops in cooperation with the Brno Philharmonic. They tried to work with rhythm, play on your own body, but also on a variety of tools. Selected topics have connected with integrated thematic teaching (ITV). .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The workshops took place within the project School as a Gallery, Gallery as a school with the financial support of the Statutory City of Brno.
Photos Opening campfire at Petrinum
On Thursday, we started the school year of afternoon activities with the children! We were accompanied by singing with the guitar at the festive campfire and playing games in Petrinum. We enjoyed POPCORN and toasting rolls! We look forward to more fun events in Petrinum in a future!
Photos A year at Labyrinth 2023
As every year, we all met at the Year at Labyrinth this year. This time the children showed us not only what they had experienced in Labyrinth in this past year, but we also had the opportunity to experience what it is like to be a pupil at Labyrinth school.