Labyrinth is a primary and lower-secondary school with bilingual elements and the first laboratory school in the Czech Republic. It is based on individual approach to each child and close collaboration with universities and engages in various partnerships - with innovators in education. It is a member of the International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS). Labyrinth opened its first grades in 2016.
The concept of laboratory schools has emerged more than 100 years ago in the USA and is traditionally based on affiliation of universities and schools (kindergartens, primary and secondary schools). Laboratory schools represent an environment where innovative approaches are applied and new methods from miscellaneous fields of study are transferred into educational practice. Laboratory schools reflect current development and needs of society and cumulate the most effective from what education offers.
The laboratory school Labyrinth is a part of a holistic educational project Open School Space which goes beyond the traditional scope of educational environment, naturally integrates into community, environment and real world. The laboratory school Labyrinth together with the non-profit organization Edunika and foundation Open School Space fulfill the philosophy of the project.
Eduspace, an international festival, is two days full of discovering new approaches to education, experiencing non-traditional forms and methods of learning, listening to inspiring personalities, sharing cultural experiences and enjoying the spirit of Brno - the city of culture and education. Lectures, workshops, panel discussions and other activities are organised for everyone - both professionals and laymen, teachers, students, children and parents. For everyone who wishes to gain deeper insight into key topics of education in the 21st century.
Junior Hub is an inspiring occupational and educational space designated for children. It is a place that encourages planning, thinking, creating and cooperating. It makes it possible for children of the same age to meet leading experts from various fields as well as successful people, institutions and companies. It provides young people with more ideas about the real life and helps them to develop necessary skills and competencies for the 21st century.
The premises dedicated to education are a part of a broader project that engages in support of active learning. Active learning is anchored in the connection of technology, pedagogy and space intended for education. Issues related to diverse premises available for education come to the fore rather than methods and forms of teaching at schools themselves. The connection of formal and informal education and institutions that, from the first sight, do not have many aspects in common, gains greater importance.
Náš projekt Rozvoj digitálních kompetencí v mezipředmětové výuce byl podpořen grantovým programem O2 Chytrá škola